Refund Policy

*We do not refund for any cancellations within 14 days of your event.



Cancelations within 31 days are fully refundable. 

Cancellations within 30 days are not refundable. We offer free rescheduling should your new date not already be booked or full credit to use within 12 months. 

To be eligible for a bond refund. The item you have hired must be returned in the same condition. 

If an event cannot go ahead due to COVID related issues or restrictions, no refund is given. We offer free rescheduling options or a credit of the same amount of the booking total to be used within 12 months.



If the weather does not allow us to put the bouncy castle up i.e rain or strong winds we do not offer any refund. We always suggest to have a back up indoor venue. You can reschedule to a new date providing it has not been taken by another customer. Or you can keep the full amount of the booking total as credit for up to 12 months.